View Full Version : Why does the Republican party hate women?

03-20-2012, 06:21 PM
I deleted this because nobody wanted to participate.

Death Engineer
04-03-2012, 06:20 PM
I can't imagine why no one would want to participate in such a thread. This is just like that old thread "Why does the Democrat party hate babies?" Right? Reality is that neither of these statements are remotely near the truth.

04-03-2012, 09:28 PM
This is just like that old thread "Why does the Democrat party hate babies?"

Was there really an old thread like that here or were you just making a point?

04-06-2012, 04:56 AM

04-06-2012, 05:01 PM
Nitro, there was no way this thread was not going to turn into a flame war. And I can't really say why without saying something that would also probably start a flame war - or I'd just be ignored, too.

04-07-2012, 04:23 AM
Because wimins have vaginas and vaginas make mens do evil stuffs. Except gay men, so they hate gay men also.


04-07-2012, 04:48 PM

04-07-2012, 05:42 PM
Nitro, I love you, for being the complete you-ness of what you are. This is reality. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to change things? This board may not be appropriate but you can probably find a many people with similar sentiments on reddit. Go and make the world into a better place. :)

04-12-2012, 01:03 AM
Nitro, I love you, for being the complete you-ness of what you are. This is reality. What are you going to do about it? How are you going to change things? This board may not be appropriate but you can probably find a many people with similar sentiments on reddit. Go and make the world into a better place. :)
Reddit's general sentiment towards women is actually pretty negative. While I'm sure there are plenty of subreddits that do not elicit the same sentiment, the overall reddit community (while far from Republican/conservative) is not pro-women. According to the hivemind they cheat, lie about being raped and are not fair..

Don't get me wrong, I love reddit and it's pretty much replaced this forum as a place to voice my thoughts and opinions.

I don't think that Republicans hate women, but I guess since I don't have any evidence backing that claim I could be wrong... However, the topic almost screams controversy and sensationalism! It's a headline I would expect from a third-rate liberal website.

04-13-2012, 12:39 AM
Reddit's general sentiment towards women is actually pretty negative. While I'm sure there are plenty of subreddits that do not elicit the same sentiment, the overall reddit community (while far from Republican/conservative) is not pro-women. According to the hivemind they cheat, lie about being raped and are not fair..

Don't get me wrong, I love reddit and it's pretty much replaced this forum as a place to voice my thoughts and opinions.

I don't think that Republicans hate women, but I guess since I don't have any evidence backing that claim I could be wrong... However, the topic almost screams controversy and sensationalism! It's a headline I would expect from a third-rate liberal website.

I believe that you are wrong. Reddit is huge and you are making a sweeping generalization based on a small group of vocal idiots. Every time you see someone post a disparaging remark about a woman, there are many more of us shaking our heads and moving on to the next post or thread. From what I've seen, generally the hivemind is good people. If someone put up a video of a woman being abused by a man I can pretty much guarantee you that Reddit would pool it's resources to find out who he is, have him brought to justice, and help out the victim. When shit gets real and someone has been victimized, that is usually the response.

Reddit has it's fair share of trolls. Most people see them for what they are.

Death Engineer
04-24-2012, 10:50 PM
The hivemind can be swayed pretty quickly depending on the topic at hand. And Nitro... I definitely didn't see this thread until you had removed your details. Sorry I missed it ... in a way.

For the record, I am probably more aligned with the GOP than any other party at this point (though I despise politics and most politicians) and I do not hate women. I do not support abortion (who does, really?) and I think the legality of it is a complex issue which isn't easily solved. I'd probably support making it illegal unless the mother's life is at risk. Anyways... arguing over these things on the internet is about as useful as a screendoor on a submarine. So rather than argue, I'm content to share my opinion, respect yours (whether I agree or not) and generally carry on with life. :P

04-26-2012, 02:35 AM
The hivemind can be swayed pretty quickly depending on the topic at hand. And Nitro... I definitely didn't see this thread until you had removed your details. Sorry I missed it ... in a way.

For the record, I am probably more aligned with the GOP than any other party at this point (though I despise politics and most politicians) and I do not hate women. I do not support abortion (who does, really?) and I think the legality of it is a complex issue which isn't easily solved. I'd probably support making it illegal unless the mother's life is at risk. Anyways... arguing over these things on the internet is about as useful as a screendoor on a submarine. So rather than argue, I'm content to share my opinion, respect yours (whether I agree or not) and generally carry on with life. :P

I can probably help you with your abortion conundrum.

First of all, it will never be made illegal, so whether you support it or not it's here to stay. Your opinion about it is completely irrelevant. Women can and will do it if they choose. The issue has effectively become a red herring and the more politicians discuss it, the stupider they look. The government should not decide whether a woman should or shouldn't have a child. As far as I know at this point in time we have enough children to sustain a society.

Also, people should just learn how to effectively use birth control. It's really not that hard.

Death Engineer
05-04-2012, 05:44 PM
The government should not decide whether a woman should or shouldn't have a child.

I completely agree. This is not the issue. The issue is whether the government should allow life to be legally taken after conception. This equates to murder in my mind in cases when the mother's life is not at stake.

05-04-2012, 09:23 PM
you cannot take a bunch of eggs and add sperm and suddenly say they are people. I see that as a flaw that religion has, the concept that humans have "souls" and other types of life forms do not. I'd go further to say there is no such thing as a soul, instead everything is alive, from subatomic particles on up, this human body we have is just the current means of experiencing our aliveness.

Women are not breeding animals. If a fetus cannot survive outside of its mother's body then sorry, it has no right to life. It is probably the most horrendous decision a person can make, but forcing a woman to carry a baby to term is not a solution. It is bad for the women and these unwanted children are bad for society. For the most part it perpetuates a cycle of drug addiction, crime, poverty and teenage pregnancies that repeats every 15 to 20 years.

05-04-2012, 10:35 PM
Irresistible force, meet an immovable object.

You both should know better than to have this discussion on the interwebs by now. Or in RL for that matter. But please, continue. The forums have been dead for a while and I can't decide which of you is which concerning the force/object thing.

05-04-2012, 11:37 PM
the paradox, can an omnipotent god create an immovable object? yes, if he then recreates himself as a person that tries to move that object... :)

05-06-2012, 04:19 PM
I completely agree. This is not the issue. The issue is whether the government should allow life to be legally taken after conception. This equates to murder in my mind in cases when the mother's life is not at stake.

A thirteen year old girl gets raped and as a result she becomes pregnant. The pregnancy does not threaten her life. Should she be legally required to carry the baby to term?


A woman gets pregnant and it is discovered that carrying the baby to term may result in her death, although the baby could survive. In that case, is it okay to murder the baby to save the mother's life? Or should the mother potentially be sacrificed to save the baby's life?

05-07-2012, 01:39 PM
The fact some of you that commented on this as if it was true just shows exactly how you are. It's a spam thread that people that have nothing going on in their life too excited they come here to post bullshit.

Here's a news flash.... You can still get an abortion because it's a womans choice!!!!!! All women have the right to kill a baby if they were raped, couldn't keep their legs closed, or just irresponsible. You see what I did there? All anyone has the right to do is pass judgement which at the end of the day..... Who gives a rats ass?

Off all the things to discuss this is the main topic at GM.

05-07-2012, 04:18 PM
It's a spam thread that people that have nothing going on in their life too excited they come here to post bullshit.

Um. Welcome to the thread?

And BTW, are you new here?

Death Engineer
05-09-2012, 08:29 PM
The rape thing is always the pro-life counter argument. However, what percentage of abortions are actually about that kind of situation? Do you know? In my research it is a very VERY small percentage. Small enough to be nearly non-existent. I won't dismiss the issue completely as it is a valid concern. However, making an edge case the example just clouds the issue IMHO.

Who is having abortions? A quick google led me here: http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/.

The real issue for me is that there are real/live/capable-of-living babies with functional arms/legs/fingers/toes/etc that are injected with saline or having their brains sucked out before having their heads crushed. And the women who are making this choice are rarely doing it out of anything other than convenience. Ignoring the rape and similar issues, yes, I believe women should own up to the responsibilities that they already signed up for. Is that judgmental? I don't really think so. I think it is reasonable to ask people to take ownership of their own choices/actions and be responsible for them.

I think the other ugly truth here is that abortions are a nice quick 'n' easy shot of cash for a relatively easy procedure. In other words, it is lucrative. The idea that a doctor would take lives for a living makes me sick. And if you're going to tell me those things aren't living, then you need to understand what a baby looks like developmentally at the stages when they are aborted. They aren't usually lima beans. I would challenge you to look it up.

05-09-2012, 08:45 PM
The rape thing is always the pro-life counter argument. However, what percentage of abortions are actually about that kind of situation? Do you know? In my research it is a very VERY small percentage. Small enough to be nearly non-existent. I won't dismiss the issue completely as it is a valid concern. However, making an edge case the example just clouds the issue IMHO.

Who is having abortions? A quick google led me here: http://www.abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/.

The real issue for me is that there are real/live/capable-of-living babies with functional arms/legs/fingers/toes/etc that are injected with saline or having their brains sucked out before having their heads crushed. And the women who are making this choice are rarely doing it out of anything other than convenience. Ignoring the rape and similar issues, yes, I believe women should own up to the responsibilities that they already signed up for. Is that judgmental? I don't really think so. I think it is reasonable to ask people to take ownership of their own choices/actions and be responsible for them.

I think the other ugly truth here is that abortions are a nice quick 'n' easy shot of cash for a relatively easy procedure. In other words, it is lucrative. The idea that a doctor would take lives for a living makes me sick. And if you're going to tell me those things aren't living, then you need to understand what a baby looks like developmentally at the stages when they are aborted. They aren't usually lima beans. I would challenge you to look it up.

I was just wondering if you only see black and white on the situation. Your response was pretty moderate and for the most part I agree with you. :)

Death Engineer
05-10-2012, 05:18 PM
No, like I said before, I think this issue is really complicated. ESPECIALLY when you consider the rape/abuse angle. I'll put this on my list of things that you and I agree on. ;) I used to think that list was pretty short. Now I'm thinking it may be longer than either of us originally thought. <insert clever quip here to dispel any emotionally moving sentiment>

05-10-2012, 10:42 PM
No, like I said before, I think this issue is really complicated. ESPECIALLY when you consider the rape/abuse angle. I'll put this on my list of things that you and I agree on. ;) I used to think that list was pretty short. Now I'm thinking it may be longer than either of us originally thought. <insert clever quip here to dispel any emotionally moving sentiment>

I think, according to Reddit, the term you are looking for is "No homo". I think the term is hilarious, useful and probably politically incorrect. But it works.

I consider myself to have pretty high moral standards and good values. Now, anyone can say that about themselves and it's only a personal evaluation right up until you have grown children. At that point the personal evaluation gets tested. Both of my children clearly have good values and high moral standards, and in fact they are two of the most amazing human beings I've ever had the pleasure to know. And I had a part in that! Or maybe I just managed not to screw them up. Either way, I aced the test. And they are both Christians (which was mostly their mother's influence). I've never tried to lead them away from their chosen belief system.

I'm guessing that we would get along well together in RL and no one could tell which one was the theist and which was the atheist. Until you stop to say a prayer when we go out to eat. Cover blown.

Oh, and no homo.

Death Engineer
05-11-2012, 03:15 PM
I'm waiting for the obligatory "now kiss" comment. ;)