View Full Version : Zimmerman case

03-29-2012, 05:03 PM
Regardless of what the media is saying, I would just like to point out "THE CONCEALED CARRY LAW WORKS". Wish it was available in NY.

03-29-2012, 10:31 PM
Mixed feelings about this. Self defense is one thing, but deadly force I think is another. If he was chasing you, I'd hope you could out run someone that you shot in the leg. If you're a bad shot and after a few rounds, they are still coming at you, well then you have to do what you have to do.

IMO this would happen if you could spank kids again for misbehaving.

That's all I got to say. Kids these days have it too easy.

03-30-2012, 04:47 AM
Yeah, policeman wanna-bees with no training. That is a success.

"Zimmerman was standing over the body with -- basically straddling the body with his hands on Trayvon's back," Cutcher said. "And it didn't seem to me that he was trying to help him in any way. I didn't hear any struggle prior to the gunshot.

"And I feel like it was Trayvon Martin that was crying out, because the minute that the gunshot went off, the whining stopped."

03-30-2012, 07:23 AM
Jim, do you actually believe that? I mean honestly no one really knows what happened. I don'tunderstand why someone is in a hoodie in Florida either. I think no matter what this story has been tainted by the media. The fact that the picture being posted all over the news is him at 13. Whats the reason for that? I can't believe how this gets posted as a hate crime when a white kid who had gasoline poured on him and lit up by blacks did not get any attention.

03-31-2012, 02:05 AM

03-31-2012, 02:13 AM
Jim, do you actually believe that? I mean honestly no one really knows what happened. I don'tunderstand why someone is in a hoodie in Florida either. I think no matter what this story has been tainted by the media. The fact that the picture being posted all over the news is him at 13. Whats the reason for that? I can't believe how this gets posted as a hate crime when a white kid who had gasoline poured on him and lit up by blacks did not get any attention.

I'm not believing anything. That was a witness statement. You have some guy walking through a neighborhood, another guy following him. Let's see, how can something possibly go wrong? If some guy is walking through your neighborhood are you going to follow him? Maybe you will if you are carrying a gun. Maybe you will be a hero and save someone. Who the hell knows. What we know is someone did stupid shit and another person died. Sounds like manslaughter to me. And this is not about race. And it is not a hate crime. It is just stupidity. And I don't know about the gasoline crime, but those people should pay also.

03-31-2012, 05:22 PM
I don'tunderstand why someone is in a hoodie in Florida either

Okay, that was just ignorant. First of all, hoodies are a fashion thing. Second of all, it can get cold in Florida. Maybe not as cold as some places, but it's relative. Just like in Ohio when the temp has been hovering around 20-30 F for weeks, if we have a sunny day that the temp reaches 55 F, people are walking around in shorts and t-shirts. In summer, if the temp has been in the 80-90 F for a while, and then we get a day that falls into the 50's, you can be damn sure people are going to be wearing long pants and jackets.

But what really matters here is that the hoodie has nothing at all to do with the temperature for you BIGG. It's a hoodie. Therefore the person wearing it was up to no good in your mind. I work at a university. Hoodies are common. And the tuition/housing/food approaches $50K per year. Should I be suspicious of all the students that wear hoodies? And by the way, they all have cell phones. Clearly, they are only using them to make drug deals.

That being said, the cultural differences in this country are amazing to me. So location dependent. Such different points of view leading to such different interpretations of what is right and wrong. It's baffling to me sometimes.

03-31-2012, 11:15 PM
Wrong Sirc, my point of the hoodie regardless of it being a fashion or not is that no matter who it was, if you are seen wandering in an area people are going to wonder who the hell you are and what you are doing. If houses on your block were robbed, you would watch everyone and be suspicous. Don't you accuse me of being racist with your comments. You speak of ignorance yet you know nothing about this case. You speak of cultural differences but why is it you seem to think its the black cultures that matter?

03-31-2012, 11:22 PM
I'm not believing anything. That was a witness statement. You have some guy walking through a neighborhood, another guy following him. Let's see, how can something possibly go wrong? If some guy is walking through your neighborhood are you going to follow him? Maybe you will if you are carrying a gun. Maybe you will be a hero and save someone. Who the hell knows. What we know is someone did stupid shit and another person died. Sounds like manslaughter to me. And this is not about race. And it is not a hate crime. It is just stupidity. And I don't know about the gasoline crime, but those people should pay also.

Jim I agree with 100% of what you say here and to be honest, we have a legal system that should be doing its job. With that, the thing that frustrates me and pisses me off is the media and those who are already making it seem like Zimmerman is guilty. The marches, the preaching is just sickening and those that follow this without even knowing the truth yet. It's like they want the guy hung without the facts and that is plain wrong. It's sad and it causes more problems. I mean every single person that speaks out about this as if it was racist is most likely playing an agenda card or a true racist. That's how I see it anyway. The kid who died was not some innocent kid or an angel as those preaching have claimed. I think that should be judged as much as Zimmerman can be judged as a racist. If there is proof that Zimmerman is one well than lets see it before the accusations.

04-01-2012, 12:57 AM
Eh, I say ignore the bullshit. Zimmerman is probably not a racist and the black kid was probably not a criminal. That being said there are groups that will use any "event" as a tool to promote their particular cause. What they say is not "news" - it is just spin that should be ignored. Right now the facts as they appear are pretty damning for manslaughter. It should not have happened but it did. Carrying a weapon might make you safer or it may lead to stupid actions.

04-01-2012, 03:48 AM
Wrong Sirc, my point of the hoodie regardless of it being a fashion or not is that no matter who it was, if you are seen wandering in an area people are going to wonder who the hell you are and what you are doing. If houses on your block were robbed, you would watch everyone and be suspicous. Don't you accuse me of being racist with your comments. You speak of ignorance yet you know nothing about this case. You speak of cultural differences but why is it you seem to think its the black cultures that matter?

You're right, I know nothing about this case because I haven't read a single news story about it. I simply don't care. Multiple people are murdered in this country every single day. It's sad, but not newsworthy.

I never mentioned anything about race, you did. You were also the one that brought up the hoodie and "black culture". A hoodie is a sweatshirt with a hood on it. I've been wearing them for as long as I can remember.

I understand that you live in a crazy place, but in the city I live in there have been a total of two murders in the past 10 years. This is what I meant about different cultures. I was talking about localities and not race when I mentioned cultural differences. In my neighborhood we have no watch. We have no street lights. No one keeps their porch lights on. Half the people don't even bother locking doors at night. This is the difference between the culture you live in and the one I live in. We do have the right to concealed carry (assuming you have a permit), but we simply don't shoot each other.

So excuse me if I seem a bit baffled. You and I are living in two extremely different worlds.

EDIT: Just a side note, we can carry a Glock under our jacket, but if we get caught with a pocket knife with a blade longer than 2 1/2 inches, then I think that's a state or possibly federal offense. Reality check anyone?