View Full Version : Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update Released

04-13-2012, 05:24 AM

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a known defense manager fleet list crash.
+ Fixed an end of combat crash related to combat involving neutral factions.
+ Made numerous sound system changes to help with frame rate issues.
+ Fixed a crash related to queued station modules.
+ Fixed a minefield related crash in combat.
+ Fixed a crash in the design screen related to selecting and submitting defense platforms.
+ Fixed a combat retreat crash.
+ Fixed a crash related to entering and exiting the empire manager.
+ Fixed known memory leaks in transitions to and from the star map.
+ Fixed a silent multiplayer crash related to random encounters.
+ Fixed a crash that could occur when opening the build screen.
+ Fixed a multiplayer hang that could occur versus lone gate ships.

Other Fixes:
+ Reduced ship spark effect density to help with frame rate issues.
+ Fixed an issue preventing the Repair All function from working.
+ Fixed an issue where a VN disintegrator beam could remain linked to ships that left its range.
+ It is no longer possible to cancel return missions for retreating fleets.
+ Fixed the issue where colonies were firing at targets outside of sensor range.
+ Fixed the issue where planets would mysteriously disappear from the list of colonization options.
+ Fixed an multiple combat round issue where the game would try to select eliminated fleets.
+ Fixed the issue where construction missions would leave stations under construction if the construction ships were destroyed.
+ Fixed known issues of missiles spinning in space.
+ Fixed a bug that was causing prototyped ships to become too cheap.
+ Fixed known issues where diplomatic actions could result in a negative cost, adding to a player's RDP instead of subracting from it.
+ Addressed issues that were causing the AI to declare war too frequently.
+ Fixed the missing news event notifying players of war declarations against them.
+ Fixed an issue where colonies were not correctly reporting when they were developed.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing Hivers from upgrading gate stations fully.

Other Changes:
+ Build and design screens now show design attributes.
+ Made some improvements to the mine field placement flow in the defense manager.
+ Tracking weapons can now target the dish on a command monitor.
+ Fleets involved in multiple rounds of combat will lose additional endurance.
+ Non-Zuul factions are now attacked by pirates.
+ Developing colonies no longer support fleets.
+ Improved the research and feasibility study complete dialogs.
+ Variety of tweaks and corrections to ship turrets for all factions.

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