View Full Version : Took a Trip with family.

04-17-2012, 03:56 AM
Spring break in Tennessee.

04-17-2012, 03:56 AM

04-17-2012, 03:59 AM
2487524876I just want everyone to know that I was pretending I was scared but make note of poor old Goober. Darn kids didn't even let us warm up on the kiddie rides and were forced on the Roller Coaster minutes after getting in the park.

04-17-2012, 04:01 AM
Always good to see my Tennessee Family. Had a great time.

04-17-2012, 09:26 PM
Awesome!!! Looks like you guys had fun. Thanks for sharing Bigg!

04-18-2012, 03:25 AM
Thanks for sharing bud! You look like lou ferrigno, although not quite as bulky. :) Looks like you both had lots of fun and your daughter is growing up well. Cherish these moments. :)

04-18-2012, 04:14 PM
Yeah it was a nice and relaxing time. I havent been there since Goobers daughters wedding but use to go up with my wife and daughter and stay in the mountain lodges. This time I brought the girl I was seeing and her 2 daughters and Goober and his family got to meet them. I love Tennessee very much. The people are very kind and it's just a very laid back atmosphere. I so regret staying in NY after my wife passed but I do plan to get a house there and actually looking into it as we speak. I'm not concerned about work because I can do what I do any where in the world. My biggest problem would be what should I do with my house I own here which I can rent out but that is a gambe because people never take care of their own let alone other peoples stuff. Eventually it will happen, even if I just buy now for later. No matter what I got 9-10 years before Jenna goes to college and she is already saying UT with a little push from me.

On a side not, ever notice Goober doesn't look a day over 100? LOL, Seriously I mean in ten years he will still look the same. It's like he doesn't get older. Although we both had heart attacks on the Roller Coasters.

04-18-2012, 04:16 PM
I forgot to mention, I also love Biscuits and Gravy. Goobers wife makes it for me every time I am there. It's awesome.

04-21-2012, 02:46 PM
Cool pics Biggs, looks like you and the rides aren't the best of friends !! :eek:

You're right about your daughters age and the time to enjoy the company, goes by way too damn fast !!

04-24-2012, 09:41 PM
We had a blast with BiggD and the kiddies. Don't let him fool you..........he was screaming like a schoolgirl on the Eagle rollercoaster. We did start on the wrong end of the park. Hit 4 of the best rides one right after the other.I was one tired puppy after that day.
Jenna looks soooo much like her mother that it almost hurts. She's such a little sweety.

BiggD's lady friend fixed us some mighty fine meatballs and pasta. She says she's Italian, but I'm pretty sure she's got some redneck in her.
One of her daughters and Biggs driving mix like oil and water. Poor girl was blowing chunks in the parking lot before we even got to the park. Bigg posted a video of that ride somewhere on the internet.......added the tune of dueling banjos for background music.
" Paddle faster boys.....I hear banjo music" Google " Deliverance" if you don't get it.

04-24-2012, 11:14 PM
Goobs, next time we go there or any othe rpark with the girls, we head in different direction. I'm calling dibbs on the inner horse.:thumbs: