View Full Version : hey rocketeers

03-08-2003, 06:29 PM
Hi guys im making a map where you have 999 health (Its easy to do this just on the player start entities just typ for health 999 duuhhh) and the map is all about rocket jumping by the way u rocketeers every tried jumping off walls?? u get high as a mother ...... if u do it right ull just have to come to the rtz server and watch me do it :P

03-11-2003, 04:57 PM
Yeah that would be cool for the rocketeers...

it would up their fame for the rocket jump even more...

But hey! The Rocketeers are cool now.. :thumbs:

03-12-2003, 12:32 AM
hey im not a rocketeer and just to let u know it aint that hard to rocket jump......hhhmmmmm a rocket jump training level good idea thanks ill put them together in a pack so u can download the rocket jump tutorial level and then use ur new skills in a level ill post screenies later