View Full Version : The American dream

04-25-2012, 06:56 PM
...guess this topic will get some views now ^^

The wednesday cartoon for if you want to borrow some money again :cool:


04-25-2012, 11:28 PM
...guess this topic will get some views now ^^

The wednesday cartoon for if you want to borrow some money again :cool:


That was surprisingly good. Unfortunately somewhere along the timeline an amendment was made to the US Constitution that our government my only be changed by political means and not by arms (ironic, isn't it?). So the last part would basically be US citizens wielding handguns against the government drones that they are planning to fly or already flying over our own country. The US government is constitutionally allowed to use any means at their disposal to kill American citizens on US turf if the government deems them a threat. No actually troops needed now to keep us subservient. Just the guy sipping coffee in his comfy chair carrying out a drone attack.


04-26-2012, 03:11 AM
Pretty good. However, I don't think there's a conspiracy, only bad decision making, lack of foresight, and an unwillingness to change.