View Full Version : Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update Released

05-25-2012, 03:13 AM

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a design screen selection crash.
+ Fixed a rare encounter pre-combat crash.
+ Fixed a rare combat related crash.
+ Turn times are greatly reduced.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed duplicate war declaration news events.
+ Addressed some ambiguous wording in war declaration news events.
+ Ship repaired speech events are less frequent.
+ Players can no longer construct remote stations without Deep Space
+ Phase Dislocation no longer affects Prester Zuul battle riders.
+ Trade stations are no longer available until FTL Economics is researched.
+ Government shifts no longer occur until station building is complete.
+ AI will no longer attempt to colonize systems with enemy colonies
unless is exempt from this limitation.
+ Fleets will now relocate if their base is eliminated.
+ Naval capacity now takes pending changes into account.
+ New home systems are now automatically flagged as surveyed when
assigned to a player.
+ Fixed a mining station bonus miscalculation.
+ Enemy reserve fleets are no longer visible.
+ Fixed an issue where the game was treating Propaganda ships as Police Cutters.
+ Fixed unending rebellions.
+ Fixed unending trade treaties.
+ Fixed the sensor view bug that caused overlapping spheres to
eliminate each other.
+ Load times are reduced.
+ Reduced UI transition times from some screens.
+ Fixed an issue that was preventing full repair of a ship.
+ Protectorates no longer expire.
+ Admirals now age at the correct rate.
+ Suul'ka now enter combat again.
+ Weapon panels are now cleared when re-entering screens and dialogs.
+ Fixed some design-naming issues.
+ It is no longer possible to break the transition to the station
placement screen.
+ UI now refreshes after retrofitting or repairing ships.
+ Retrofitting will no longer produce two sets of drones for a ship.
+ AI no longer retires ships constantly.
+ AI now redesigns for missing ships, such as gates and bores.
+ The research ring around the tech cube on the star map no longer
disappears at certain camera angles.
+ Mission screens now lock focus on the target system.

Other changes and additions:
+ There is now a two-turn moratorium on AI actions when it takes over
for a dropped player.
+ Clicking a module or weapon icon in the design screen will now close
the associated selector if it is open.
+ Economic and research efficiency maximums have been increased to 200%.
+ Enemy fleet lines are now visible when their destinations are visible.
+ Up and down arrow keys now function in place of the mouse wheel for zooming.
+ Sensor range bonuses are now applied to stations.
+ Large asteroids are now selectable.
+ Added tech requirements for gate stations.
+ Station construction screens now have a Commit button that will
automatically place the new station.
+ Individual ship selection in combat will now yield additional
information about critical issues.
+ Ships losing crew in combat are highlighted to bring attention to the damage.
+ The star map tech cube tooltip now displays technology info and ETA.

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