View Full Version : Gratuitous Tank Battles Update Released

06-06-2012, 06:52 PM
- Fixed failure to recognise modded emplacement entries.
- Support for modded hulls with a larger number of modules/augs.
- Double-clicking a module or augmentation on the design screen will now try to automatically place it on any free slots on the current design
- Fixed bug where demolishing a unit by right clicking during deployment rendered that square unusable for the rest of the battle.
- Some performance improvements for slower PCs.
- Support for modded campaigns.
- Fixed bug where pausing the game during deployment left the pause button out of synch.
- Swapped locations of the puase and screenshot buttons.
- Minimap now highlights attackers deployment points in red with a small arrow icon.
- New, clearer icons for ballistic infantry modules (thanks qwepir).
- If the previously selected division contains no placeable units for the current battle, the first viable division is now selected.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/8150/)