View Full Version : Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update Released

06-29-2012, 01:36 AM

Critical fixes:
+ Addressed networked game stalls and crashes related to certain
router and firewall hardware. The default MTU affinity has been reduced to 500 bytes.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed lag in combat when encountering Swarm Queen.
+ Fixed cases where combat UI was displaying informtation for colonies
from other star systems.
+ Station Manager now only displays stations in the selected system.
+ AI difficulty settings tuned to the following levels; easy (research
-25%, production -25%, revenue -25%), medium (no changes), hard (research +25%, production +25%, revenue +25%, population growth +10%)
+ Swarm hives no longer display fleet icons.

Other changes and additions:
+ Empire security slider now automatically adjusts to minimize
corruption when left on notches.
+ Trade sliders set to notched values will now stick to those values,
even if the maximum potential increases.
+ Strategic AI uses relocation more effectively, which helps to
maintain advancing fronts.
+ Various AI optimizations.
+ Liir supply ratings have been adjusted.
+ Various ship and weapon arc tweaks.
+ Number of stations is now limited by population - one per 500M
(Imperial + Civilian).
+ UI changes have been made to the stamap system tags. Dots now
represent the number of colonies; rings are shown for each major station slot available, and filled in with icons for each type constructed; a numerical value is now displayed for support; and colony trap icons are displayed when appropriate.
+ Exposed additional variables for modders.
+ New Ship badges to celebrate the Canada Day / Independence Day weekend.

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