View Full Version : It's interesting...

07-11-2012, 12:34 AM
...how someone here who never had a very high post count suddenly has the 3rd highest post count on the forums. Magic!

07-11-2012, 08:36 PM
hacks, I tell ya!

07-12-2012, 02:02 AM
Enjoy that! :thumbs:

Why not just promote all the admins to top posters? It's kinda like cleaning the windows that weren't broken after the Hiroshima bomb went off, but what the hell! Clean windows and no city. At least you will be better able to see what you don't have anymore.

07-12-2012, 02:27 AM
or delete their post counts!! hahaha

07-13-2012, 12:18 AM
Assuming that is me that is being talked about since my name is #3 ... I fight it strange and I really have no idea how that happened and even stranger yet, I still feel the same as before it happened so it must not be that important .... Feel free to reset me to 0 or a really cool number like 69.

07-13-2012, 01:28 AM
Assuming that is me that is being talked about since my name is #3 ... I fight it strange and I really have no idea how that happened and even stranger yet, I still feel the same as before it happened so it must not be that important .... Feel free to reset me to 0 or a really cool number like 69.

It's a matter of pride to some of us who have spent a long time participating in these forums. I was an Outlaw when what, there were only 4 and I became the 5th? I have history here, and at Seriously! forums too before we left. I came up with the name "Hideout" whether you are willing to admit it or not. I do not spam in the spam threads. I have a high post count because, like it or not, I have supported these forums (and gotten in trouble on these forums) since they began. I have been both liked and hated during the years. I have been banned and unbanned probably more than anyone.

Call it irrelevant if you wish. I could have spent the time just watching TV instead.

I've run a forum before and it is an easy matter to glance at the admin log to see how you suddenly achieved your post count. You're not fooling anyone.

Oh, and now you are giving me admin privilege to reset your post count? Doubtful.

I don't know what happened Shogun. I don't know if you've just become fed up with me or if you are getting bitter about the forums. Either way, you are welcome to delete my account. It is no longer important to me, and taking me out with a bang (or a whisper) seems like an appropriate way for Sirc to finally go for good. I promise I will not make another account here.

07-13-2012, 03:01 AM

07-13-2012, 09:05 PM
It's a matter of pride to some of us who have spent a long time participating in these forums. I was an Outlaw when what, there were only 4 and I became the 5th? I have history here, and at Seriously! forums too before we left. I came up with the name "Hideout" whether you are willing to admit it or not. I do not spam in the spam threads. I have a high post count because, like it or not, I have supported these forums (and gotten in trouble on these forums) since they began. I have been both liked and hated during the years. I have been banned and unbanned probably more than anyone.

Call it irrelevant if you wish. I could have spent the time just watching TV instead.

I've run a forum before and it is an easy matter to glance at the admin log to see how you suddenly achieved your post count. You're not fooling anyone.

Oh, and now you are giving me admin privilege to reset your post count? Doubtful.

I don't know what happened Shogun. I don't know if you've just become fed up with me or if you are getting bitter about the forums. Either way, you are welcome to delete my account. It is no longer important to me, and taking me out with a bang (or a whisper) seems like an appropriate way for Sirc to finally go for good. I promise I will not make another account here.

open mouth, insert chill pill, close mouth, swallow, go have a beer :) I think you are reading into it too much man.

07-14-2012, 12:02 AM
Just thought I'd try to bring in some discussion old school style. Those were the days. :D

Done trolling now, carry on.

07-14-2012, 02:07 AM
I could less about that stuff to go change them because it's not that big of a deal or at least it isn't anymore, if it ever was and honestly, I DO NOT KNOW what happened with the post counts. I'm not the same person/loser that I used to be on here, there have been a bunch of changes in my life and I'm on the road now so much with my job, I don't have time like I used to have to play games and deal with this childish drama, post counts is the least of my worries. Man as you go through your day to day activities, do you really walk around thinking about this stuff? Does it bother you that much?

EDIT: There I just changed mine to 69 and set yours to 1,000,000 now go find something else to QQ about :/

07-14-2012, 04:40 PM
1,000,001! And 1010 Power (whatever that means)!

I was honestly just trolling a bit. I thought I was being obvious about it.

I'm not the same person either, and I've been pretty mellow on the forums the past couple of years compared to the earlier days of GM. I'm not entirely drama free - there's still some Sirc left in me and there probably always will be.

I don't suppose you wrote down my actual post count before you changed it? I'd like to have it restored if possible.

Also - FUS1ON? Why did you change your name after so long?

07-14-2012, 05:53 PM
I don't know what your post count was before, but I ran an option in the ACP to recout all posts for everyone. So more then likely, everyone's post count changed to what it actually should be right now, and it's not reversible, meaning I can't change it back. I know I lost like 70 some posts, but well frankly I don't care.

But that should be very close to what you had before, but it's what you actually have right now, according to the database.

07-14-2012, 05:58 PM
I don't know what your post count was before, but I ran an option in the ACP to recout all posts for everyone. So more then likely, everyone's post count changed to what it actually should be right now, and it's not reversible, meaning I can't change it back. I know I lost like 70 some posts, but well frankly I don't care.

But that should be very close to what you had before, but it's what you actually have right now, according to the database.

Thanks Grimmy. I think I lost a few too, but as long as it's close it's good. :thumbs:

07-14-2012, 06:01 PM
It was 15.5xx something.

Selling the Taurus SHO and bought a Fusion that i've been modding on lately, lowered, bodykit, Momo wheels, exhaust, etc ...


07-14-2012, 06:35 PM
It was 15.5xx something.

Selling the Taurus SHO and bought a Fusion that i've been modding on lately, lowered, bodykit, Momo wheels, exhaust, etc ...

Nice! Now that's exactly what I was talking about in the other thread. I'd be interested in seeing more pictures and have you list more detail about what you are doing with this car, and I bet others would too.

07-14-2012, 08:01 PM
It's still a Ford though :down:


07-14-2012, 09:14 PM
It's still a Ford though :down:


Meh, Fords are okay. I'm a Chevy man myself. At least he's not building a ricer. Still waiting for more pics, details, and plans for the future.

07-14-2012, 11:49 PM

07-15-2012, 03:30 AM

Oh, and happy birthday Rivers! I miss the GoDs clan folk. Where the heck is Slice these days anyhow?

I was one of the original GoDs clan members! I stabbed em in the back many years ago and joined MERC. Sorry guys. The Drama. Slice is an awesome guy though. Wonder where he went! He was living the high life in some tropical location IIRC.

And SIRC.. you were never a true spammer. I enjoyed the pseudo drama you posted on the previous page. Reminds me of the true drama that used to happen around here in 2002 :P.

07-15-2012, 04:45 AM
Hrm, I bet there is some type of bug in the post count logic where it causes unassigned posts to be attributed to an admin account....

Die Hard
07-15-2012, 04:59 AM
Wow I went up to 4th. Oh the pride :)

07-15-2012, 06:16 AM
I never paid attention to post count. I think my first account that got scrwed up years ago had most of them. Regardless, you all know me ;)

07-16-2012, 03:46 AM
I don't know what your post count was before, but I ran an option in the ACP to recout all posts for everyone. So more then likely, everyone's post count changed to what it actually should be right now, and it's not reversible, meaning I can't change it back. I know I lost like 70 some posts, but well frankly I don't care.

But that should be very close to what you had before, but it's what you actually have right now, according to the database.

So that's why I have 1500 more posts than 2 days ago! I was scratching my head at that one.

And Rivers, ah yes you were! I still have hundreds of old screens from games you and your GoDs family played and posted on the GoDs forums because I like to get all nostalgic every now and then ^-^