View Full Version : Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update Released

07-21-2012, 02:57 AM

Critical fixes:
+ Fixed a Comparative Analysis UI crash.
+ Addressed a weapon bank related crash.

Other fixes:
+ Fixed recent mission screen UI issues.
+ Fixed loophole that was allowing station construction to exceeed the
number of each type of station allowed.
+ Engrammed admirals with the Inquisitor trait no longer gain extra traits.



Critical fixes:
+ Fixed reported crash bugs in combat.
+ Abandoning a colony in the Colony Established dialog no longer causes a crash.

Other fixes:
+ AI no longer executes diplomatic actions without sufficient diplomatic points.
+ AI now builds various station types again.
+ AI no longer redesigns platforms continually.
+ Battle riders can now be targeted specifically.
+ Security slider no longer jumps to a notched position when the
research slider is moved in the star map.
+ It is no longer possible to retrofit stations with pending modules.
+ Mining stations can now be built on asteroids.
+ Fixed absorber ship section effect.
+ Asteroid monitors now have Polaris missiles.
+ Ship targets in combat are no longer lost when turrets are lost or a
section is destroyed.
+ Fixed a corner case that could result in ships rolling continually in combat.
+ Meson projector now aims at the intended target and applies damage correctly.
+ Ships turned over to a different player in combat now are now
correctly removed from hotkey groups.
+ Fixed torpedo retargeting.

Other changes and additions:
+ Added Leech Driver.
+ Added population manager.
+ Added comparative analysis screen.
+ Changes to the All Stop command mean that a ship issued All Stop
will return to Normal Stance. If a ship is answering All Stop and
another stance is selected, it will start moving again.

Known issues:
- Existing sync errors in multiplayer turn updates are still being addressed.

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