View Full Version : My wife bought...

08-03-2012, 05:54 PM
...a floor fan. With a remote control. How lazy do you have to be not to walk 3 feet to turn a fan off and on?

I don't even have a cell phone. I don't watch TV. I could care less. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I'm guessing I'm going to be a survivor. Granted, the internet would be a loss, but I'm guessing I'll be busy trying not to die more than I'll be worrying about my WoW gear score.

What's next? Clock-radio alarms that have a remote control wristband so you don't even have to roll over to hit the snooze button?

Shit. I should have gotten a patent for that before I mentioned it. Pretty sure people would buy it.

Death Engineer
08-03-2012, 06:26 PM
We bought a new alarm clock a few weeks ago to replace the one that my wife has had since before we were married (15 yrs old?). The new one has a battery that will last several years without AC power so as to keep the time current. I am continually amazed at advances in technology. Especially batteries.

PS. At ilvl 397, there's not much incentive to work toward heroic DS content with the expansion looming.

08-03-2012, 06:34 PM
We bought a new alarm clock a few weeks ago to replace the one that my wife has had since before we were married (15 yrs old?). The new one has a battery that will last several years without AC power so as to keep the time current. I am continually amazed at advances in technology. Especially batteries.

PS. At ilvl 397, there's not much incentive to work toward heroic DS content with the expansion looming.

396 here. Trinkets won't drop, or, I roll a "1". Dang it.

BTW, Bethann, Sentinels server. Alliance. Yes, I play a chick, but I'm ugly enough not to get hit on. :)

08-04-2012, 01:12 AM
...a floor fan. With a remote control. How lazy do you have to be not to walk 3 feet to turn a fan off and on?

I don't even have a cell phone. I don't watch TV. I could care less. When the zombie apocalypse comes, I'm guessing I'm going to be a survivor. Granted, the internet would be a loss, but I'm guessing I'll be busy trying not to die more than I'll be worrying about my WoW gear score.

What's next? Clock-radio alarms that have a remote control wristband so you don't even have to roll over to hit the snooze button?

Shit. I should have gotten a patent for that before I mentioned it. Pretty sure people would buy it.

Are you serious? I had a floor fan with a remote 8 years ago!! No cell, ZOMG you are OLD! Rotary phones no longer exist, it's touch tone or bust! They have internet on computers now Homer! Don't need TV if you got the internet, just need the big TV for a big ass monitor, cause pron looks so much better when it BIG!

If you don't have some new technology, you might as well kiss your ass good bye! How you going to drive a care if you can't tell it where to go?

And for you older folks, there are condoms at the door, in case you can't control your manly man hood. Yea, we invented that too! :P hahahaha Sirc, are you 60 yet? :rofl:

08-04-2012, 03:07 PM
Are you serious? I had a floor fan with a remote 8 years ago!! No cell, ZOMG you are OLD! Rotary phones no longer exist, it's touch tone or bust! They have internet on computers now Homer! Don't need TV if you got the internet, just need the big TV for a big ass monitor, cause pron looks so much better when it BIG!

If you don't have some new technology, you might as well kiss your ass good bye! How you going to drive a care if you can't tell it where to go?

And for you older folks, there are condoms at the door, in case you can't control your manly man hood. Yea, we invented that too! :P hahahaha Sirc, are you 60 yet? :rofl:

Wow. The batteries are dead in my sarcasm meter's remote control and I'm too lazy to get up and get it. Not sure if you're kidding or are trying to troll me.

08-07-2012, 11:53 PM
Both! :P

Oh look, my post count is growing! hehe

08-07-2012, 11:59 PM
Dude. I downloaded a remote control app for my DVD player so I wouldn't have to reach over to the table for the remote anymore :P