View Full Version : Some Pictures

08-15-2012, 12:09 AM
Most of you know I'm a hobby photographer. Figured I'd throw a thread up showing some recent stuff.

This was from a party I was at last weekend. Pretty amazing place. It was a warehouse in a commercial part of town. Guy was using it as an art studio as well as where he works on old cars. He turned the place into a pretty amazing party-pad type of place. He still works on cars so there are various cars all over. And he still has a ton of artwork inside the place. Wild sculptures and stuff. Plus a pool table, a giant fireplace. Some sort of industrial cleaning area that's been turned into a shower that fits about 10-12 people. A bar, a loft with big leather couches and chairs as well as more big leather couches and chairs down on the main floor. He also had a bunch of Boxer dogs roaming around. Maybe 4 of them I think.
Oh, and the in-ground pool around in the side yard. And a stage inside as well as a stage outside. Since it's in a commercial area, no noise laws. Can play all night long.

Which we did. I left at about 5am myself and I wasn't the last person to leave by any means.

The last picture is a panoramic shot I did of the inside of the building. I think it's about the 2nd or 3rd to last shot is one someone else took of me playing harmonica during a blues jam we did.


Here's one of my favorite shots of the night.

08-15-2012, 12:28 AM
I also went to this cool place that is a seabird rescue and sanctuary. Got a few decent shots there as well.


One of my favorites. If you look closely, you can just barely see a little puffball head of a baby sticking out from the top edge of the nest. If you look at it on the site, you can hover your mouse over the top-right corner and see it full size for a better view.


08-16-2012, 01:51 AM
Very cool indeed, much better pics than I can get with my Instamatic !!

08-22-2012, 10:40 PM
Sanctuary group #13 .... color me impressed :)

08-24-2012, 06:15 PM
Nice, I like taking pictures also, What kind of camera did you use ?

08-25-2012, 10:57 PM
It's just an old Rebel XT. For the music pictures though, I have a very nice 50mm 1.4 lens that I paid about $400 bucks for. That makes all the difference. Many of the wildlife pics are shot with a Sigma 70-300mm.

08-25-2012, 10:59 PM
@Fusion - Thanks. It took FOREVER to get those shots. I sat there with the camera up to my eye, sweating my arse off trying to hold the long zoom steady for minutes at a time waiting for that chick to pop its head up. I'd get 2 or 3 frames off then have to wait a few more minutes for it to pop up again!

08-26-2012, 04:59 AM
All of those pics are really nice but the details in that one are awesome .... well worth the effort that it took to get it