View Full Version : Endless Space Release Notes

08-25-2012, 01:55 AM
For Mac users: to run Endless Space, you will have to install Mono 2.11.3 for Mac OS X which is downloadable at the following address:
http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html (use the Mono MRE installer)

We are currently working hard on a solution to skip this step.

- Added the possibility to add custom textures for modding (for custom faction portraits, custom hero portraits, custom tech icons…).
- Changed the way a planet is chosen when increasing pop, it is now based on the best FIDS and the best growth.
- Added a tooltip for the research income in the empire view.
- Added a resources info panel in the negotiation screen.
- Endless Space release on MAC (see above).

- Fixed an issue where trading caused an assert forcing an exit to desktop.
- Fixed an issue where read only mod files loading failed for readonly.
- Fixed an issue where the “worst status” rule, when creating an Alliance or when inviting a faction, was not enforced. Each faction kept its old status towards factions outside of the Alliance.
- Fixed an issue where the encounter report stayed visible at the end of a manual battle and was impossible to remove.
- Fixed an issue where cease fire was still active after a faction had died, allowing to trade resources with it.
All the version notes since the alpha version can be found at:

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/8728/)