View Full Version : Libya

Death Engineer
09-13-2012, 04:38 PM
*shakes head sadly

09-14-2012, 12:54 AM
It will only get worst because as I have said many many times, you can not be diplomatic with these people. Thanks to Obama, the middles east has turned for the worst and all the countries are being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. If anyone takes a step back and looks at what exactly is going on, they would see the overall agenda taking place. Then look at our stance with Isreal and see how Obama has done nothing but made their lives more dangerous. Iran will have the Nukes soon and all of our enimies will get them. It's going to happen because too many people think War only happens when we Attack. Some are not too familiar with history. I stand by nuking Iran and any other nation that wants to continue this pattern. Walk like a pussy and you will be treated like one.

09-14-2012, 09:49 PM
It will only get worst because as I have said many many times, you can not be diplomatic with these people. Thanks to Obama, the middles east has turned for the worst and all the countries are being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. If anyone takes a step back and looks at what exactly is going on, they would see the overall agenda taking place. Then look at our stance with Isreal and see how Obama has done nothing but made their lives more dangerous. Iran will have the Nukes soon and all of our enimies will get them. It's going to happen because too many people think War only happens when we Attack. Some are not too familiar with history. I stand by nuking Iran and any other nation that wants to continue this pattern. Walk like a pussy and you will be treated like one.

Technically, we should be bombing the hell out of Libya right now. An embassy, anyone's embassy, is the sovereign territory of the country that resides in it. The host country is bound by international law to protect the embassy, foreign ambassador and his staff by whatever measures are needed. Libyans attacked US soil and killed US citizens.

Screw the "Arab Spring". All it accomplished was to take out Arab leaders that knew better than to mess with the US and replace the leadership with extremist elements.

For once I agree with BIGG, except for the use of nukes. A simple demonstration of conventional US firepower should remind these nations not to **** with our embassies.

09-16-2012, 04:02 AM
I think people need to realize that based on many factors, the reasons for which they are occurring include some macro forces that aren't taken into account like the weakening of the magnetic field and its effect on human EM fields and their minds, alot of extremes are coming out. So much extreme occurrences, both in the environment and in human psyches, it's all going to culminate at some point before it dissipates, hopefully not with the destruction of all life on this planet of course. Still, I think this story has a happier ending than that.

09-16-2012, 04:27 AM
I think people need to realize that based on many factors, the reasons for which they are occurring include some macro forces that aren't taken into account like the weakening of the magnetic field and its effect on human EM fields and their minds, alot of extremes are coming out. So much extreme occurrences, both in the environment and in human psyches, it's all going to culminate at some point before it dissipates, hopefully not with the destruction of all life on this planet of course. Still, I think this story has a happier ending than that.

That was my second guess.


09-16-2012, 02:37 PM
Damn those magnetic fields !!:mad:

09-17-2012, 02:08 AM
hey nitro, what is going to happen 12/21/12 ?

09-17-2012, 10:24 PM
It will only get worst because as I have said many many times, you can not be diplomatic with these people. Thanks to Obama, the middles east has turned for the worst and all the countries are being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. If anyone takes a step back and looks at what exactly is going on, they would see the overall agenda taking place. Then look at our stance with Isreal and see how Obama has done nothing but made their lives more dangerous. Iran will have the Nukes soon and all of our enimies will get them. It's going to happen because too many people think War only happens when we Attack. Some are not too familiar with history. I stand by nuking Iran and any other nation that wants to continue this pattern. Walk like a pussy and you will be treated like one.

Proof that there are extremists in any group of people is in this quote.

09-20-2012, 01:35 AM
hey nitro, what is going to happen 12/21/12 ?

Sadly I am no oracle, yet I could discover the most probable future becoming but I'd rather not know the future lest I stop living in the present. In any case, I will be at the Giza pyramids at a private event. You wouldn't believe how low the plane tickets to Egypt are right now (:

09-21-2012, 11:39 PM
Sadly I am no oracle, yet I could discover the most probable future becoming but I'd rather not know the future lest I stop living in the present. In any case, I will be at the Giza pyramids at a private event. You wouldn't believe how low the plane tickets to Egypt are right now (:

Nitro, I want you to know that I'm deeply in love with you. And it's not just because you give great post.

09-24-2012, 03:47 PM
That was my second guess.


[snicker] Oh snap, I see what you did there :)