View Full Version : Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter Update Released

09-18-2012, 03:38 PM

Critical fixes:
- Fix crash with mirage psionic.
- Fixed a crash related to multiplayer combat.
- Fixed a crash when encountering slavers.
- Fixed a crash when exiting the multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed a crash when host entering combat with an AI player.

Other fixes:
- Fixed display bug showing incorrect empire as being defeated in lobby.
- Fixed bug where gate stations could be built without the necessary tech.
- Fixed Hivers using up gate points while committing missions to their home systems.
- Fix ships going into overdrive when not set to overthrust speed.
- Turret damage will now be saved corrently between combats.
- Fixed multiple missing / incorrect strings.
- Turns to complete research now show correct suffix and are no longer displayed for research techs.
- Fixed riders not syncing to carriers properly in multiplayer games.
- AI now repair fleets at systems.
- Update combat AI to include an "Assault Planet" group.
- Fix stations around planet not having proper sensor data.
- Plutocracy will now decrease production time instead of increasing it.
- You are now able to cancel out of the Zuul's no bore ship confirmation dialog.
- System info requests from AI players will now work correctly.
- AI will no longer select command ships for a combat role.
- AI will now reject world demands if they have any fleets present at that world.
- Independant colonies created from the results of colony stimulus will now properly offer a trade treaty upon creation.
- Player status in multiplayer games will now update correctly.

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