View Full Version : Source Filmmaker Released

10-26-2012, 12:58 AM
Source Filmmaker version has been released. This update will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Updated assets from Team Fortress
Added time scale editing and freeze time on particle systems in animationset editor
Added ability to upload images to the SFM steam community
Added quick way to save an image from the current viewport
Added Set Offset Time to timeline
Renamed Blade Clips to Blade Clips And Bake Time Offset, and added new Blade Clips on shift-B
Improved YouTube upload dialog
Fixed performance bug when switching windows in the SFM
Film clips are now always locked to frames during interactive editing operations
Any film clips that are not on frames now cause the film strip to draw red
Script editor improvements
Updated Qt to version 4.8.3
Removed Python 2.5 and unused Maya 2008 and 2010 directories
Fixed sdklauncher garbage mod string bug
Various crash fixes

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/9200/)