View Full Version : Endless Space Update Released

11-28-2012, 08:59 PM
- The galaxy generation seed is displayed with the pause menu.
- Added a sentry mode to the available fleet actions.
- Added an auto-cycle button to enable the review of all fleets without orders.
- The battle timer (when choosing a participating mode: auto/manual) is now a game option. By default, the battle timer is disabled for a single player session, and it is enabled for a multiplayer session. [G2G vote]
- Added a new state for the "end turn button" that notifies the player he has pending encounters.
- Refactored the heroes' ability trees.
- If a system improvement will never be relevant for a system, hide it from the improvement picklist (credits: by grubnik)
- Added a victory/defeat picture and extra information to the 'Continue' panel.
- Added a ‘Game Introduction’ option in game options (to introduce the new content of an add-on).
- Updated the tutorial with the new features.
- Added 5 new musics.

- Refactored the game events system:
o The pre 1.0.30 events are compatible
o Added new event effects
o Added interactive random events
o Added a new panel to the Empire Factors panel, which summarizes all the effects of the current random events
o Added an advanced game option to activate/deactivate the random events generation
- Added descriptions and pictures to the new random events.

- Added exploration rewards: small random bonuses for the first player to explore a system.
- Some exploration events are now interactive.
- Added a GUI feedback in the galaxy view to identify systems with an exploration reward. The Amoeba players have a slightly different feedback.
- The effects of the exploration events are now displayed in the Empire Factors panel.

WONDERS [G2G vote]
- Added natural and endless wonders. The endless wonders can be restored.
- Lowered number of wonders depending on the different size.
- Added GFX for natural and endless wonders.
- Added a GUI feedback in the galaxy view to identify explored systems with a wonder.

- Added more life to the galaxy with the random addition of comets, black holes, pulsars, ...

- Removed the waiting period for the cold war status.
- Added diplomatic answers when the player trades with an AI and when an AI is offering a proposal.
- With the previous diplomatic behavior we could have deadlock involving a permanent cold war state between all the factions.

- Added a new Pilgrim hero.
- Added 4 heroes of new factions (Sheredyn and minor factions).

- Set the Steam regional parameter to ‘Worldwide’ for the multiplayer sessions.
- The game disconnections related to the Steam servers should be less frequent.
- All the multiplayer sessions of a given version are now displayed. You can join a game only if you have the same files/mod as the session's host.

- Removed growth and fleet upkeep bonus for the AI.
- AI for newbie is less aggressive and less militarized.
- Lowered normal Pirates difficulty.
- During a deal, the AI values a resource depending on the number he already owns.

- Reduced the science trade route multiplier from 2 to 0.5.

- Fixed the way AI manages its ship's production so it doesn't fall into bankruptcy anymore.
- Fixed a potential desync in MP when unlocking a technology by a random event.
- Fixed an issue where the random events frequency is not tied to the game speed.
- Fixed an issue where entering planet view after scraping a population improvement causes an assert.
- Fixed an issue where desert planet does not display all life simulation effects.
- Fixed an issue where life simulation effects are not properly displayed on high population planets.
- Fixed an issue where the ships created by events don't have the good amount of HP.
- Fixed an issue where an assert occurred for a same random event for two empires.
- Fixed an issue with the anomaly reduction of the hell gourds.
- Fixed an issue where an exploration event causes a desync in a multiplayer session.
- Fixed an issue where the constructibles were overridden by the modding.
- Fixed an issue where the warning events "no current technology" & "bankrupt next turn" made the battle notifications disappear.
- Fixed an issue where the wrong ship design was queued after an advanced defender exploration event was encountered.
- Fixed an issue where the advanced defender exploration event used the designs based on affinity.
- Fixed some issues of GUI and localization.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/9463/)