View Full Version : Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update Released

12-04-2012, 01:45 AM
Release Notes for 12/3/2012

[ MISC ]

-&nbspIn addition to TKing, you can now be kicked/banned in two different ways for team hurting:
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbspFor doing an unusual amount of damage in a short amount of time.
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbspFor doing an excessive amount of team damage over the course of the match.
-&nbspPartial inferno extinguishing now properly puts out flamelets.
-&nbspMolly/Inc Grenade fire now goes out slightly faster when extinguished and updated the overall effects a bit.
-&nbspFixed an edge case where the alerts panel would show on round start for a frame.
-&nbspChanged default tv_delay to 10s.
-&nbspChanged default tv_delaymapchange to 1. This postpones the post-match level change by the tv_delay amount to ensure that the broadcast to GOTV clients is complete. NOTE: Manually quitting the server or changing the level while the broadcast is still ongoing will kill the feed to all GOTV relays and GOTV clients and your spectators will miss the end of the match. It's best to let the system's timer run out on its own or wait for as many seconds as you have tv_delay set for.
-&nbspReplaced hard-coded 'E' observer use command with '+use'
-&nbspTweaked autodirector based on feedback.
-&nbspAdded item purchases to server log.
-&nbspDecoy grenade changes
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbspReduced price to $50.
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbspReduced fire rate and extended life span to make it less identifiable as a decoy.
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbspPhysically looks more like a flashbang to allow fakes.
-&nbspFixed assists displaying the assister's name twice in the server log.
-&nbspReduced default value of sv_clockcorrection_msecs to 30 and whitelisted the convar (thanks J3di)
-&nbspReorganized net_graph options:
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp0: off
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp1: Competitively allowable data.
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp2: Additional In/Out data.
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp3: Additional real-time graphing.
-&nbspAdded net_graph to convars restricted by sv_competitive_minspec ( allowable values are 0 and 1 )
-&nbspValve can now assign official violations cooldown to accounts
-&nbspAdded a game server convar sv_kick_players_with_cooldown (default=1)
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp0: allow all players to play on game server
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp1: kick players with official assigned violation
&nbsp&nbsp-&nbsp2: kick players with any competitive cooldown

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