View Full Version : Sword of the Stars 2 Updated

12-05-2012, 06:32 AM
Critical fixes:
- Fixed Locust end turn CTD
- Fixed crash transferring ships to new fleet
- Fixed crash deleting invoices as Loa
- Fixed Neutron Star CTD

Other fixes:
- Optimized transitions to starmap
- Fixed bug allowing Zuul to see Loa paths
- Fixed issue with AM burst torpedo
- Fixed Loa SDB's not appearing in defense manager
- Fixed bug that would allow biosphere to go below 0
- Fixed ship production cost not displaying correct value in some places
- Fixed bug where Loa production costs were not being calculated correctly for armor selections
- Fixed bug that would cause polysilicate alloys to be impossible to select in design screen
- Fixed bug that would allow Loa to continue researching while in debt
- Fixed Loa audio not changing volume
- Fixed Loa not dropping gate in origin system when on NPG mission
- Fixed bug that would cause Loa to build gates in wrong order
- Fixed bug causing caravan fleets to consume CE at target system
- Fixed bug where Loa would not use cheapest command design when creating fleet
- Fixed bug locking players out of espionage

Other changes and additions:
- Exposed singleplayer empire colors for modders
- Global Chat now needs to be enabled in the options menu
- Tuning of Loa ship costs

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