View Full Version : Serious Sam 3 Update Released

12-21-2012, 11:09 AM
Build 174448 for Serious Sam 3 is released.
If you have previously opted into public beta, you already have this. For all others, here is the list of changes:

- Linux: Added log messages for connected gamepads.
- Linux: Added inp_bLogGamepadEvents cvar for logging gamepad events.
- Linux: Fixed crashes on some window managers due to missing Xlib atoms.
- Added support for OpenGL tearing in VSync via 'ogl_bVSyncTearing' cvar. When cvar is on, screen refresh will wait for number of retraces specified via 'gfx_iWaitVSyncs' cvar and if more vertical retraces passed, will not wait for next one, but will do swap as soon as possible.
- Fixed wrong report of utilized OpenGL extensions.
- Slider widgets in color options menu are now enabled/disabled depending on support of gamma-correction also, not only full-screen or window mode.
- Fixed resolution downsizing not downsizing some buffer in-game causing more GPU memory usage than needed.
- Fixed command bindings not displaying properly in spectator view HUD.
- Added news feed to start screen.
- Editor: Fixed crash when exporting textures.
- Editor: Khnum and Aircraft puppets no longer ignore lethal damage. This allows Killer entity as well as macro functions such as DropDead() to affect these puppets.
- Editor: Added a new macro function to base entity: InflictWeaponDamage(). This function deals damage equivalent to one produced by any given weapon.

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/41070/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/41070/)

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