View Full Version : Dota 2 Update - February 21st, 2013

02-22-2013, 02:06 AM
- Added In-game Guides and Hero Builds!
- Players can now be a member of multiple teams.

- Fixed backswing behavior on some of Invoker's skills
- Fixed Last Word being dispelled by Purge/Cyclone/etc
- Fixed Last Word interrupting channeling spells if the initial duration ends during the channel
- Enabled Medusa in Captain's Mode tournament version
- Fixed Healing Ward not preserving its hotkey when leveled up.
- Added right click menu to the combat log with "Copy to clipboard" option.
- Added option to render the Co-Broadcaster's camera. Use dota_minimap_draw_cocaster_camera 0 to disable.
- Added new right click option to backpack items to equip the entire set the item belongs to.

- Added a large number of items to the random loot drop lists.

- Adjusted hero roles of Windrunner (fewer last hits) and Meepo (more last hits).
- Made Death Prophet bot more likely to use Crypt Swarm in teamfights.
- Made Necrolyte bot a bit more hesitant about using Death Pulse when laning.
- Fixed bots dropping thousands of TP scrolls at the side shops.
- Practice with Bots difficulty and team settings are now saved.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/10006/)