View Full Version : Towns Update Released

04-10-2013, 12:58 AM
Version v12

Add: Bury system!
Add: Integrated mod loader!
Add: A way to restrict the hauling and autoequipping by layer
Add: A way to restrict the heroes exploring layers
Add: Townies happiness is showed when you right click on them
Add: Elven names for the elf heroes
Add: New living type, allies. Used on the spawned livings (sadonkeleton, ...). They can use doors.
Add: Description of items in the in-game tooltip
Change: Ladders are not needed anymore to climb 1-level underground cells
Change: Sorted military items on the equip menus
Change: Terrain cells on the camera level now are brighter
Change: Boat caravan now brings animals in a cage
Change: Plant trap won't hurt animals
Change: Vertical ladder now have connections
Change: Cooking time on the low cooking fire and the normal fire swapped
Change: Heroes dead sound
Change: Game speed now can be increased up to 5
Change: Cyclops now have a daunting scream effect. Is casted when the cyclop is near death, it makes townies to flee
Change: Softened the hard level sieges. Added a new "harder" level
Change: Replaced items by scripting now allow the placement over piles and zones
Change: Loading a wrong saved game won't end in a game crash
Change: Anvil is now on the workshops group
Change: Containers and walls now can be built in areas
Content: New walls and a dome roof
Content: Sheeps
Content: Cloth armors
Content: New animals in a cage items
Content: New heroes, Vechs and The Herbalist
Typo: Delete scaffolds typo, "Spiderite set" spanish typo
Typo: "It's essence..." by "Its essence..." on some weapon descriptions
Typo: "crush" by "crushes" on some weapon verbs
Fix: Placement of patrol points on air is no longer allowed
Fix: Issue on the actions that doesn't allow to mix moveTerrain's and pick's
Fix: Harvest orders never done if the townie starts a battle while performing it
Fix: Huge lag if no haulers and some idle townies in the town
Fix: Containers now can be sold to merchants
Fix: Improved the way townies build walls to avoid lost orders
Fix: More stable manual launching from towns.command in paths where a space is found
Fix: Crash "un-hauling" items from a stockpile
Fix: Glitch on "La Pedrera" walls
Fix: Stuck citizens after a robbery siege move some containers

Modders: New property "id" on the menuXXX.xml files. Used to give a way to modded xmls to delete tags
Modders: New property "id" on the gen_XXX.xml files. Used to give a way to modded xmls to delete or modify tags
Modders: New "delete" and "deleteContent" properties on the submenus for the modded menuXXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the menus
Modders: New "delete" property on the items for the modded menuXXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the menus
Modders: New "delete" property on the gen_XXX.xml files. Possible values are true and false. Used to remove the original content of the gen_XXX.xml files
Modders: New tag property on almost all the data xml files. It should contain a priority "id". Used to remove original data
Modders: Removed the tag on the items.xml
Modders: The tag now accepts comma separated values
Modders: New tag on the effects. Possible values are: ALWAYS, HITTED, ENEMIES_IN_LOS, NEAR_DEATH and NOT_MAX_HP
Modders: New tag on the effects. Possible values are true and false (default). It makes the citizen/hero to flee when they receive it
Modders: New on the actions.xml. This way you can create a random item (used on the new treasure chests)
Modders: New and tags on the items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used to indicate the items that will be buried and the status when unbury them
Modders: New and tag on the items. Possible values are comma separated item IDs and percentages. Used to know what item (just one) will spawn when unbury
Modders: New and tags on the items. Possible values are comma separated living IDs and spawn percentages. Used to know what livings will spawn when unbury
Modders: New tag on the items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used to know if the unburied item do not spawn items
Modders: New tag on the gen_map.xml files. Possible values are true (default) and false. Used to prevent the bury system in a map. Used on the tutorials.
Modders: New tag on ranged items. Possible values are true and false (default). Used on the ranged weapons monster heads

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