View Full Version : CrimeCraft Updated

04-12-2013, 10:16 PM
* Added another tab in the Coin Operator shop where players can purchase new "season 2" tournament rewards.
* Reduced the prices for "season 1" tournament rewards.
* Added 6 slot guns in the game.
* Added new category of attachments in the game: the Breechblocks.
* Now players can craft 6 slot guns, "season 1" tournament rewards, Tier 6 patches and more.
* Added "season 2" lottery weapons, clothing sets and patches on Black Market.
* Added 3 additional class ranks for all classes.

* Increased the chance of finding Tier 5 Rare ingredients from Containers and from loot.
* Now players can find Tier 5 Gold ingredients in loot sometimes.
* Increased the chance of finding Uncommon Containers in Stockpile.
* Now Hammers in Stockpile have a chance to drop Uncommon Container instead of Common.
* Now players have a chance to find Rare Rank V Containers in PvE when playing on level 50 on Hard difficulty. Players will find Tier 5 Gold ingredients from these Containers.
* Increased the chance of finding Rank V Containers when playing PvE matches on level 50 on Hard difficulty.
* Players can't find Rank III Containers when playing PvE matches on level 50 on Hard difficulty anymore.

* A number of balance improvements.
* Now players see red "already known" text mark on craft recipe items if they already learned that craft recipe.
* Added the information about items being bound to a gang on the Essence of Patch and Gang Buffs tooltips.
* Now players can unequip Lottery and Black Market Gold Lobby AUGs without destroying them.
* Now all Lottery items are sold in separate Lottery Tickets.
* Increased the amount of monthly PvP Ladder rewards up to 50 Gold Coins for 1st place.
* Added monthly Reputation Ladder rewards. 1st place in the monthly Reputation Ladder will get 15 Bronze Coins.
* Now players can purchase up to 20 class profiles and 20 custom profiles.
* Added a Booster that increases Tournament Rewards by 50%.
* Added 9 new Premium Signatures.
* Now players can purchase additional Inactive Gang Buff slots.
* Fixed the collision issue in South Canal Spillway Robbery when a player was able to hide in a trash bin.
* Fixed the issue when team-mates respawn removes nearby friendly Proximity Mines.

See the full list of new features, improvements and bug fixes on the http://forums.mayngames.com/showthread.php?94583-Patch-Notes-12-April-2013-1.24.syn

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