View Full Version : Camelot Unchained - It's coming

05-05-2013, 02:09 AM
Camelot Unchained is coming out, they are trying to get funded and need to raise up 2 million dollars for the game. Jacob will be apart of it and gathering developers for the game. They got the funding and will begin creating the new camelot. Still playing daoc but only at Molvik.

Anyway this is the site for the new camelot guys if your interested. I donated money to them already and will be looking forward to it and hope it will be fun to play. So far from what I read it looks that he is in the right direction but will see what happens.


Hello to everyone btw and hope everyone is safe and healthy.


05-07-2013, 12:26 AM
SAS! Nice to see you're alive and well. 2 million seems like a very high pie in the sky kind of figure, is it truly possible to crowdfund that much on a video game these days? I must be way out of the loop. In any case, looked at the concept art and it looks promising but my is that a hefty sum.

By the way, you should call me sometime as last time you did I was in the middle of a radio interview and then wasn't ever able to reach ya.

05-07-2013, 06:58 PM
Yes I will call but been traveling a lot and now on two projects. Do me a favor and drop me a line to call you. I have no idea of your number and my telephone itune book was erased. doh! (Must of been when I updated the itune and for some reason lost my numbers on it. Wired but true hehehehe

When are you going to write your next book because I enjoy the first one and had many of my friends at work and family read it. They loved it and hope you write another one. Glad to hear from you and hope all Gamemecca members are doing well too.

Cheers - Will be heading to California again for 2 weeks but will hope by then we can be in touch. Be well and be safe my friend and stay healthy.

05-11-2013, 06:02 PM
I don't mean to hijack this thread, but, this has suddenly gotten a bit surreal.

Nitro has written a book? And is doing radio interviews?

I want to read this book.