View Full Version : Sword of the Stars 2 Update Released

05-30-2013, 10:08 AM
SotS2 2.0.25003.2

Critical Fixes
- Fixed post combat CTD
- Fixed end turn CTD
- Fixed Zuul trying to be peaceful too early on in the game
- Fixed not able to accelerate time when there are only planets
- Fixed not able to intercept Loa gates
- Optimizations for node-using factions (Human, Zuul, and Loa)

Other Fixes
- Fixed Loa having accelerator gates in their fleet composition
- Fixed slave disks being listed as assault shuttles
- Fixed Loa not expanding fully
- Fixed AI invading then returning without combat
- Zuul node lines no longer collapse when a bore ship fleet is transiting the line
- Fix Hiver not advancing when no systems in range
- Fixed AI humans not using node lines

New Maps
- 3 Brawl
- Brushfire
- Command School

- Soundtrack now includes FLAC track files as well as MP3

http://storefront.steampowered.com/v/gfx/apps/42990/capsule_231x87.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/42990/)

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