View Full Version : Doing a 5k obstacle race for a charity, should anyone be interested!

06-02-2013, 01:34 PM
Hey guys, before i go on deployment, im going to be running a 5k obstacle race on the 29th, and i saw an opportunity to help give back to my wounded comrades and thought id throw something up here in case anyone was interested in helping out.

heres the synopsis:

I wanted to do the Great American Mud Run in Chesapeake VA on 29Jun13 for fun at first, till I got the registration email, then I realized there was an opportunity to do something more. Having had a passion for volunteering and charity work the past couple years, this is fortunately another opportunity for me to help give back. The charity is called Wounded Wear INC, they're a non-profit organization started by a wounded Navy SEAL who was severely wounded in action and was "inspired to create Wounded Wear to provide clothing and clothing modifications to America’s wounded warriors, to promote awareness throughout the country of the sacrifices that wounded service members and their families have made in the name of Freedom; and to foster a sense of pride, camaraderie, determination, and strength of purpose, amongst them."

They "provide custom complimentary clothing kits to wounded service members that bear the Wounded Wear logo and if necessary be modified to be worn around prosthetics or medical devices necessary for healing," as well as similarly altered military uniforms to support the healing process.

Thanks for your consideration, and I hope you can help in some way. Anything is better then nothing, and the feeling of helping those less fortunate, or in this case, disabled is absolutely wonderful.

If interested, donate here: http://www.crowdrise.com/frenchie

Any help would be greatly appreciated.