View Full Version : Just Updated - You Need A Budget 4

07-01-2013, 09:28 PM
This latest update fixes a few minor issues that arose, along with making the walkthroughs more useful.


- The 'Getting Started' walkthrough no longer restricts users to creating only on- budget asset accounts.
- Minor wording changes to walkthroughs.


- Column widths no longer get reset when creating a new account.
- Scheduled transaction columns can no longer get their widths reset when hiding the scheduler or restarting.
- Scheduled transaction columns could somehow get a negative width, causing all the columns to be misaligned.
- The walkthrough is now paused if you move away from the budget screen.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when switching reports.
- Replaced missing 'about)' from running balance popup.
- Replaced missing word in error message when loading a backup version.
- The Walkthrough menu items in Help are now disabled if they are not valid choices.
- Sometimes you could be prompted to rename a lot of payees unecessarily when approving an imported transaction.
- The last successful reconciliation date wasn't being saved correctly.
- Prevented a rare crash that could happen when editing scheduled transactions.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when resetting the cloud sync folder.
- Fixed a crash that could happen when switching budgets while there were selected scheduled transactions.
- Empty sidebar containers are now properly hidden after moving the accounts by changing their properties through the account properties dialog.
- In step 3 of the 'Getting Started' walkthrough, you can now move forward by changing the balance of an existing asset account.
- Hungarian Forint decimals are back. They are still used by some banks for interest calculations and the like.
- The account creation dialog no longer prevents creating certain account types unless the 'Getting Started' walkthrough is explicitly active.
- Fixed an issue in register that was causing the search filters to sometime not be applied when coming from the payee settings dialog.
- Fixed issue in reports that was causing the saved dates to not be set correctly at startup.
- Fixed extra spacing issue in sidebar when switching budgets.
- Fixed an issue in the Spending Trends Report that caused it to display a sub- category twice in certain circumstances.
- Walkthrough bar (offering to launch the CC Payments walkthrough) is now closed automatically if the transaction is cancelled/saved.
- 'CC Basics' walkthrough is now launched automatically on just the first CC account creation.
- Fixed a rare crash in 'Getting Started' walkthrough.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/10996/)