View Full Version : Midweek Madness - Painkiller Hell & Damnation, 80% Off

05-27-2014, 08:45 PM
Save 80% on Painkiller Hell & Damnation (http://store.steampowered.com/app/214870/) during this week's Midweek Madness*! Addiitonally, the game is now available on Mac & Linux and includes full Steam Workshop support!

Painkiller Hell & Damnation is a fast-paced, thrilling modern remake of an all-action shooter Classic!

Evil has returned! Demonic powers are manifesting themselves as a myriad of dark creatures, fighting over the fates of imprisoned souls caught in Purgatory.
Once again, it is up to Daniel Garner, in the unenviable position of being the Curse of Darkness and the Toy of Light, to fight his way past hordes of demons and fiends.

*Offer ends Friday at 10AM Pacific Time

http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/214870/capsule_467x181.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/214870/)

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/13444/)