View Full Version : Just checking in

05-28-2014, 11:02 PM
I'm still alive and healthy as far as I know. Okay I'm pretty sure I'm alive and fairly sure I'm healthy.

My oldest son and daughter-in-law gave me my first grandchild April 17th (girl -all are happy and healthy). He is now a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force, but I have no idea what he does because he's in intelligence. It makes our conversations a lot of fun because I can troll him about the government's interference in net neutrality, illegal surveillance, etc., and he pretty much can't say anything. :)

My youngest son graduated with a degree in Computer Science and another in Mathematics (at the same time), found a job that pays more than mine does before he even graduated, and just recently closed on a house with his fiance. They will be married in September. Their new house is three times bigger than mine is - one heck of a starter home.

And I'm still playing WoW, although only once or twice a week. Still haven't found a game that that sounds fun enough to replace it.

I hope everyone is doing well.


05-29-2014, 06:02 PM
All seems to go well for you and your family, but if you are playing WoW something must be wrong with your brain :P

05-30-2014, 03:02 AM
Hi Sirc :) Sounds like alot of great things going for you. I myself have made some good-timed investments in Bitcoin, marijuana stocks, and Tesla and have reaped handsome rewards from it which I starting putting into some lofty projects I've had in mind for years. As for gaming, haven't played anything since 2008. Traded the time I spent on games with living life to the fullest and probably did more unique things in the past 5 years than most do in their lifetimes which is good and bad at the same time as I wish everyone would step out of their comfort zones and experience the many things has to offer.

05-31-2014, 05:05 PM
Hi Sirc :) Sounds like alot of great things going for you. I myself have made some good-timed investments in Bitcoin, marijuana stocks, and Tesla and have reaped handsome rewards from it which I starting putting into some lofty projects I've had in mind for years. As for gaming, haven't played anything since 2008. Traded the time I spent on games with living life to the fullest and probably did more unique things in the past 5 years than most do in their lifetimes which is good and bad at the same time as I wish everyone would step out of their comfort zones and experience the many things has to offer.

Nitro. You never cease to entertain me. You are awesome.

Marijuana is on the stock exchange now? Okay, had to look that up. It actually is. But very volatile. Tesla is a good bet. I wouldn't touch bitcoins with a ten foot pole.

I will never know if you are the most intelligent person I have ever encountered online, or just the most imaginative. It works for me either way. All the best to you!

05-31-2014, 05:10 PM
something must be wrong with your brain :P

Through all of the years that I have been here, I think that is a given. I still enjoy the guild social aspects of WoW and my guild though.

06-02-2014, 12:15 AM
I'm still here. Only play TF2 here and there. Between playing with chainsaws and splitters, RC helicopters have been taking up all my free time and play money. Dam the toys are getting more and more expensive. :(

06-24-2014, 03:09 AM
Still here ever now and again too.Ended up on the wrong side of 50, pretty much gave up playing games online too...No damn way my reflexes and hand-eye coordination can come close to a 14 yr old, those here that played against me years ago in the Sam days pretty much knew I'd be in last place then and it sure hasn't gotten better with age. But I had a great time with a lot of laughs playing Hole or Red Station, so thanks all for that !

Coming up on a 25 yr anniversary with the missus, two boys are 20 and 22 and I've got 3 Harleys and a Norton in the garage that keep me going..Been putting some good miles on this year too..Somedays I miss the groups and clans that got together on the servers, sure was fun !

I check in from time to time, still kickin !!

He Is Legend
06-24-2014, 03:49 AM
Also still here! Managing a famous pizzeria here in the heart of Washington D.C. I mostly work 6 days a week and my only day off is Sunday, mostly just lay around playing games and music all day. Very involved in the gaming community still to this day, I doubt that will ever change. Same goes for playing/listening to music, could never get enough of it. If anyone is in D.C or near it let me know, I'll serve you the best pie you've ever had!

Me and the girl are coming up on our 4 year anniversary with many more to come, still enjoy big doobies with a tall glass of beer as well :)

10-05-2014, 05:48 PM
Bumpin this up so the spammers don't get the front page..

and the missus & I just got back from a 9 day cruise thru the Caribbean..Good times !! :thumbs: Work tomorrow.. :down: bleh..

12-18-2014, 03:27 PM
Glad to see or hear that you guys are doing fine and staying healthy. I hope all continues well and as for myself, I have two games out in iOS and planning to build a war game for next year. I also maybe working for a game company which I will not mention yet until I hear from them next year of January. Gamemecca has been around for sometime and it's good to hear that many of you are doing fine.

Peace to all and stay healthy. . .

Cheers! . . .

01-19-2015, 06:59 PM
Holy crap, I still remember my password here. Probably because it has sentimental value due to Salvation letting me back once again after becoming the record holder for both being banned from these forums and being allowed back. Sirc rocked. :)

And look at the dates under our avatars! 2002. And we've been together longer than that. We started in Seriously! forums first, and built up a large PvP clan presence. And had a few huge clan flame wars (mostly between Outlaws and Mercs). Finally the emos at Seriously! kicked us out and Gamemecca was born mostly due to Salvation's efforts.

Good times and the most fun I've ever had with a gaming community despite it being comparably small. But we stuck together and had some awesome times. We laughed, we cried, we argued, Sirc got banned - it was all good.

01-31-2015, 02:00 PM
Them silly Mercs! LOL

02-19-2015, 04:03 PM
The Chinese say it's the year of the Ram, so here I am! :wave:

Death Engineer
02-21-2015, 06:16 PM
Easy there Outlaws. We'll still kick your rears... ;)

02-28-2015, 03:38 PM
And look at the dates under our avatars! 2002.

<---- 2003 here, I'm one of the new guys ....aahahaa :P

Dangerous Dan
03-08-2015, 09:30 PM
Any idea what ever came of Sal and Dark Lev/Psi?

04-07-2015, 03:41 PM
Any idea what ever came of Sal and Dark Lev/Psi?

They're sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent. [smiles and tumbles down skyscraper]

04-08-2015, 06:49 PM
They're sitting on a beach, earning twenty percent. [smiles and tumbles down skyscraper]

I've always though you were a bit tilted. It's actually the only way you can tumble down a skyscraper. Otherwise you just free-fall.

Also, NightBreed - you've been around SS longer than GameMecca. SWPA? I don't remember the name now. I started in the Old Farts clan (which I don't remember the initials to either). I was thrown out of that clan too, lol. Play hard, change clans often, forget their names. Not my motto, but apparently my destiny.

06-17-2015, 04:11 PM
<---- 2003 here, I'm one of the new guys ....aahahaa :P

nah you are also old :thumbs:

Death Engineer
07-02-2015, 07:43 PM
Any idea what ever came of Sal and Dark Lev/Psi?

I have often wondered that myself. I had pics of them at some point, but I have since misplaced them. Otherwise I could just stick them into the facial recognition database and get an address. ;)

Gun Element
11-06-2015, 10:54 PM
I think of Sal and Dark Psi as my fathers... *sniff* WHO LEFT ME TO DIE AND WITHER AWAY!!!!

MERC will live on...

Dangerous Dan
04-21-2016, 06:26 AM
I think of Sal and Dark Psi as my fathers... *sniff* WHO LEFT ME TO DIE AND WITHER AWAY!!!!

MERC will live on...

I was always looking for the right way to express it, and you've expressed my sentiments exactly...

04-26-2016, 01:00 AM
Yet we all come in here occasionally and post. To be fair, I held my breath slightly as I typed in the address today. I was afraid it might not be around anymore! Nice to see everyone still here!

I don't know what happened to Sal and Dark Lev. Didn't they live in detroit or something?

04-29-2016, 02:23 PM
They are in Michigan some where. It's been a while, but I've communicated with Sal, and his family has gotten bigger! He said Lev still does nothing at work and he has to carry the load, so that's the same Lev that we all know. lol