View Full Version : Update: AP_1760

06-02-2014, 12:30 AM
Original Post by Angelo - Alligator Pit 4th of May 2014

Following some really positive feedback on the last update, we're now presenting our (smaller than usual) update for today. As the most common critical bugs have been resolved, we can slowly start working towards bringing you even more content to enjoy.

Remember to leave feedback on the Steam forums!

Fixed teams getting score when lying dead in a control zone
Fixed enemies getting stuck at the end of Land of the Damned
Fixed secrets on Sand Canyon being too difficult to get to or too hard to see, also fixed a teleporter not working corrently
gam_bUseSteamNames can now be used to show player's Steam names instead of their game profile names
Added "Direct Connect" to multiplayer menu for connecting to servers directly without the serverlist
Fixed Steam friends window not showing the correct gameserver info when clicking on "View server info"
New HQ thumbnails provided by community member DMI-1407
Serious Editor now creates HQ thumbnails at 512px by default
Fixed a bug with the cannon in Yodeller where players could hide inside of it
Fixed wrong key in Courtyards of Gilgamesh
Fixed player model in player options menu being stretched out on widescreen displays

- Alligator Pit