View Full Version : Update: AP_1788

06-02-2014, 12:31 AM
Original Post by Angelo - Alligator Pit 5th of May 2014

Here's another update for tonight! Huge thanks to everyone who is providing feedback on our bug reporter and the Steam forums. Next update we'll be introducing some exciting new modding features (albeit in limited state), so look forward to that!

Fixed Steam Workshop not downloading more than 1 item at a time
Added a lot of options to the Game Options menu
Fixed mouse locking up Xbox controller input in menus
Fixed Xbox controllers not working when playing in a server you aren't hosting yourself
Fixed Start button on Xbox controllers not opening the menu
Fixed a crash when trying to start Control Zone gamemode
Fixed some problems with the Steam Workshop upload dialog
Fixed default weapon display positions for widescreen being weird, modifier values provided by Steam community member Spazmatism
Weapon view console variables are now saved after closing the game
Fixed formatted text positions on screen being wrong in case of strange characters
Fixed formatted text cutting off after unknown formatting characters
Added Quake color codes to text formatting (^1, ^2, ... ^7) because it's a common trait for Steam users
Hopefully fixed a problem where more than 16 players couldn't actually join servers
The achievements "Too Serious For Weapons", "Guns Are Seriously Useless", "Who Needs Kills Anyway", "That All You Got" and "Jumping Is Overrated" can now only be triggered in single player
Added thumbnails to HUD themes
Fixed demo playback always saying "Waiting for connection"
Impossible achievement is now impossible to achieve. Or is it? We're not entirely sure, but I heard someone talk about very low amounts of health.

- Alligator Pit