View Full Version : For all us BF1942 noobs.

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-18-2003, 10:13 PM
Please explain the objective in the multiplayer games. Are they just small maps like in MOHAA? What server do you guys play on? Do we need to come up with a GM BF1942 server? :hmmm:

03-18-2003, 10:17 PM
Thee are lot of mods i know and they play on giant environment maps and also has up to 64 players online the objectives are based on what time of game you play (i think)

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-18-2003, 10:22 PM
If you play the huge maps how do you meet up with your team mates? :dunno:

03-18-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Mar 18 2003, 10:22 PM
If you play the huge maps how do you meet up with your team mates? :dunno:
i thikn in one of the modes you can have spawn points so you can spawn where ever your friend goes or one the same spawn point (confusing)

03-18-2003, 11:16 PM
Yea, their are big maps and you obviously can talk to your team but the best way that most good clans talk to eachother is by teamspeak, me and justn do it all the time while playing UT2003 and BF1942 :D

{ATF} DaMutha
03-19-2003, 12:59 AM
Basic question: in the absence of a separate server whose address I know, do I need to subscribe to Gamespy to play this game online? So far I've only been able to play single player, and it's getting boring flying planes straight into the ocean by myself.

03-19-2003, 02:30 AM
Gamespy sucks. Download the All-Seeing Eye from www.udpsoft.com.
You can use it for free as long as you want. The only downside to not registering it is you are limited to 4 people in your buddy list. ASE will let you see tons of servers to play on and lets you filter based on all kinds of stuff. It's by far the best game server browser there is.

The maps in BF vary in size. Stalingrad and Berlin are fairly small, although both are probably bigger than most MOH maps. Some of the maps are really big, but all the action takes place in a fairly small area. On some of the bigger maps, it can take a long time to get somewhere on foot. But that's why there are Jeeps, Tanks, APC's, Mobile ARtillery, Planes and Boats.

If you've played MOH, it's similar but with the addition of a ton of vehicles you can use. I like flying the best and prefer the Mustang and the Zero. Dogfights are a blast. So is flying in and dropping a bomb on top of an enemy Tiger or Panzer.

There are several different types of multiplayer games. There's a team deathmatch and capture the flag. But by far the most popular is Conquest. In the conquest game, there are multiple control points on the map. They are designated on a minimap and in the game with flags. These control points can be neutral, controlled by axis, or controlled by the allies. If the flag is neutral, nobody can spawn there. If your team controls the flag, you can spawn at that point. On some maps, one or both teams have uncapturable bases where they can always respawn. On other maps, you start the round controlling and spawning at a regular control point.
The point of Conquest games is to capture and maintain control of all or as many points as you can. To capture a point, you have to move within a certain distance of a flag and keep any enemies from being in that area. After moving into an enemy controlled point, after a time delay, the flag will turn neutral. If there are no enemies alive in that area, after a few more seconds, the flag will turn to your team. This is capturing the point.

Playing Conquest BF42 is a blast. It has all the aspects of a great shooter, but adds in the variety of tanks, planes, ships, and other vehicles, different classes you can play, and requires more teamwork and strategy than most other shooters.

If anyone who doesn't play BF is interested, download the multiplayer demo and try it out. It is a fully playable demo with one map. It includes the Wake Island map which is actually one of my favorites. On Wake, you'll get a chance to fly the Zero, Aichi Val, Corsair, and SBD. You can also drive an aircraft carrier and a destroyer, Jeeps and Tanks. You can man the AA guns and shoot down planes, use Def guns to shell the ships, or just get in some good old ground combat.

Only downside to trying the demo is you probably wont' be able to resist buying the game.

OUTLAWS The Machine
03-19-2003, 02:50 AM
Damn it! You made me want to play it. Will try to install the game tomorrow and check it out. How many people do we need to get together to have a good game?

Does someone here have a good enough connection to host?

03-19-2003, 02:53 AM
I downloaded the single and multiplayer tonight, will have to check them out!! :D

03-19-2003, 08:54 AM
Nerdboy pretty much summed it up!

Just a word of warning, though. If you do start playing BF1942, you will resent going from the realism of BF1942 to the relative cartoonish, arcadish look and feel of MOH:AA. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, as BF1942 is a much better game in almost every sense, in my opinion! :)

There's nothing like the feeling of coming up to a control point, killing the last couple of enemies there with a well placed grenade, capturing the control point, and causing the opponent's ticker to start decreasing! :cool:

Also you can't really beat the feeling when you snipe an AA gunner, who's shooting at your planes overhead, knowing that you've quite possibly saved the plane, and will allow the pilot to go and drop bombs on the opponent's spawn point, killing them as soon as they have all spawned!


03-19-2003, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS The Machine@Mar 18 2003, 05:13 PM
Please explain the objective in the multiplayer games. Are they just small maps like in MOHAA? What server do you guys play on? Do we need to come up with a GM BF1942 server? :hmmm:
If we had a GM server of good quality, that would be huge!! I know a few DOA|MH guys play it and IMO I think we could draw a lot of peole to GM with a solid BF 1942 server.

03-19-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Confused@Mar 19 2003, 08:54 AM
Nerdboy pretty much summed it up!

Just a word of warning, though. If you do start playing BF1942, you will resent going from the realism of BF1942 to the relative cartoonish, arcadish look and feel of MOH:AA. Not that it's a bad thing, mind you, as BF1942 is a much better game in almost every sense, in my opinion! :)

There's nothing like the feeling of coming up to a control point, killing the last couple of enemies there with a well placed grenade, capturing the control point, and causing the opponent's ticker to start decreasing! :cool:

Also you can't really beat the feeling when you snipe an AA gunner, who's shooting at your planes overhead, knowing that you've quite possibly saved the plane, and will allow the pilot to go and drop bombs on the opponent's spawn point, killing them as soon as they have all spawned!

It is more realistic than MOH. So it takes some getting used to.
Don't expect to shoot a moving target by putting your crosshair on him and pulling the trigger.
You do have to account for bullet travel time and lead your targets.
After coming from MOH, I found this to be rather frustrating at first and it did take a while to get used to. And I do still play MOH occasionally when I feel like being a master sniper, but 99% of my gaming now is BF. I like the vehicles, teamwork, and extra things like being engineer and repairing a tank or laying mines, or being a medic and healing your teammates, or being a scout and spotting targets for artillery (this is cool, once you use your binoculars to spot a target, people manning artillery get a special camera view of the target that allows them to adjust their aim and hit a target while they are out of normal viewing range of the target)

I wouldn't even bother with single player. Just get the MP demo and try it out.