View Full Version : Dota 2 Workshop Tools Alpha Update - August 28th, 2014

08-29-2014, 10:30 AM
Screen-space particles now render properly
Fixed a crash in sound playback while playing custom games
Fixed crash on some Spirit Bear abilities
Fixed crash with data-driven modifiers when script doesn't provide a valid name
Fixed Hammer crash when right clicking on an empty tile set slot
Changed a configuration file fatal error to a warning
Fixed a crash when updating inventory slots
Disabled currently unsupported save/restore commands
Fixed bug with the HeroMiniMapIconScale key of the dota_custom_game_events entity that caused the hero not to appear in the mini-map
SetMinimapHeroIconSize is now SetMinimapHeroIconScale for consistency
SetAnnouncerDisabled Lua call and DisableAnnouncer field on dota_custom_game_events to disable announcers.
Damage action can now have a CurrentHealthPercentBasedDamage or MaxHealthPercentBasedDamage key, which causes percent based damage.
Added SetFixedRespawnTime Lua call and FixedRespawnTime field on dota_custom_game_events to override hero respawn timer.
Added a console command lua_report_memory to report the memory usage of scripts.
HasInventory key now applies to more types of npc.SetThink will now use the function name as a default context name if the think context name isn't specified.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/14284/)