View Full Version : EVERYONE READ THIS

03-21-2003, 02:23 AM
OK guys, we've got to get organized if we are going to do this clan thing.

We need to decide a couple of things.

we need to decide on ONE place where we will keep in touch. My vote is right here on these forums.

I think we should consider all using some kind of instant messaging or something. Communicating back and forth on forums is not practical for those times where we all want to get together and play some night. It would be much easier to just get on IM and let people know what server we are going to play in. I've used Yahoo IM before and that works pretty nicely, but if anyone has any other suggestions, let me know.

we need to do some recruiting. The BF42.com forums may be a good place. But if we want to have clanmates to play with every night, we've got to get some more people to join. It sounds like many of you are beginners at this game and that is fine. It means we probably don't want to do tryouts or anything like that in the beginning, but instead want to be fairly open to members of all skill levels. I will volunteer to start recruiting for us if you guys are OK with that. Just let me know your ideas on what you think we are looking for in our players, and I will get us some more members.

I think we should define the purpose of our clan. Obviously we are pretty informal right now, but what do we want to become. The reason I want to be part of this clan is to be part of a team. I've gotten bored with joining public servers and playing with a different set of strangers every night. As we grow, maybe we can look into renting a server and participating in tournaments, but for right now, I just want to play with you guys.

Let me know what you guys (and gals?) think about these things, once we have somewhat of a consensus, we can start recruiting. Should we create a forum area specifically for new recruits?

{ATF} DaMutha
03-21-2003, 02:39 AM
I agree on the messenger idea---I'm on Yahoo Messenger as "damutha"

03-21-2003, 03:36 AM
We have 13 people, IIRC. How many do we need?

Is Yahoo messanger compatable with Linux?

As far as what we're looking for, as long as people don't play dirty and bitch a lot, I'm fine with anyone.

03-21-2003, 04:58 AM
no offense but I don't do instant messanging anymore, I used to but as it gained in popularity I couldn't find one that would filter out the garbage, so if you want to get in touch w/me it'll either be through forums or e-mail, this forum is a little confusing to get around in, I frequent the anandtech forum daily and check my e-mail at least 4 times a day.

also could we find a server in the public that isn't frequently used? and everyone also needs to put {ATF} in front of their handle, on the sever that we played on the other day I was the only one I saw with that. So if we bump into others in the public servers we know who is who.

Broke down and got ICQ and am in process of trying trillian.

03-21-2003, 11:29 AM
i like the IM idea too...i currently only have AOL IM right now
ScreenName: Tripster2005

03-21-2003, 06:47 PM
As far as recruiting goes im fine with elaving it up to you for now, and i agree we should have a mission, but right now playing is good enough for me

I also agree on the IM idea, and that we need to get more organized, I use trillian so whatever IM client we want to use I have....
IM > Oxstargodxo
Yahoo > Gray_soul02
ICQ > 193545582

03-21-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by chaotic42@Mar 21 2003, 03:36 AM
We have 13 people, IIRC. How many do we need?

Is Yahoo messanger compatable with Linux?

As far as what we're looking for, as long as people don't play dirty and bitch a lot, I'm fine with anyone.
If all of us played every night at the same time, 13 would be fine. But with everyone's differing schedules, I think we will need quite a few more if we want to be able to play together on a regular basis.

Don't know about IM on Linux. Why? AFAIK, BF42 doesn't run on Linux.

I'd also say that we should welcome anyone to our clan. We can always kick people out if they are assholes or something.

I've only used Yahoo IM and I never had any problems with any "garbage", spam, or anything.

Unless anyone has any other strong preferences, I vote we make Yahoo Instant Messaging the official one for our clan.

If some random person signs up at GameMecca forums, which of our forums can they post in. I will start doing some recruiting, but we need an area here where interested people can post.

03-21-2003, 09:20 PM
The other thing we should do is we should all have All-Seeing Eye. Or some other server browser if you really prefer a different one.
If you pay the $10 or whatever, you can have as many people as you want on your buddy list. If you just use the free version, you can only have 4 people on your list.
When you open it up, you can see if any of your buddies are playing. You just have to click and you can join the server they are in.

Basically with the IM and ASE stuff, I'm hoping we can get everyone setup to where anytime we want to play, we can see who else is around and playing and not always have to arrange it ahead of time.

03-21-2003, 09:53 PM
I've got email open almost 24/7, and checking every 5 mins, and I'm on MSN Messenger almost 24/7 too, using the address confused@ntlworld.com for both.

At the moment, I'm quite flexible with what times I play, however being in the UK, I'm 6hrs ahead of Central time, so will have to bear that in mind ;)

{ATF} Confused

03-21-2003, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Nerdboy@Mar 21 2003, 09:02 PM
If some random person signs up at GameMecca forums, which of our forums can they post in. I will start doing some recruiting, but we need an area here where interested people can post.
Sorry to break into ur thread but if u wanna have a forum for recruiting/joining requests just ask one of the admins to set it up for ya :D

03-21-2003, 10:58 PM
Also you guys can advertise in the clan general forum.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact The red names or the orange names for help.

03-22-2003, 01:07 AM
Yeah, I'm up for tonight. I have MSN motoamd@yahoo.com

I'll grab Yahoo Messenger over the weekend.

03-22-2003, 04:33 PM
As far as recruiting goes.. if you want to start hardcore recruiting outside of anandtech, i think we should consider changing our name, since the idea was to have a group made up of people from the forum right? i don't mind either way personally, but we should call it what it is... whatever it is..

yahoo is fine, i have AIM, Yahoo AND ICQ, so i'm all set, i do however think we should use Roger Wilco voice chat for when we play, believe me, in my last clan it worked wonders... it instantly make you work much better as team.

Oh yeah..
Aim: Blatantvulgarity
Yahoo: sub-minute
ICQ: 25419200

03-22-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by lumen@Mar 22 2003, 04:33 PM
As far as recruiting goes.. if you want to start hardcore recruiting outside of anandtech, i think we should consider changing our name, since the idea was to have a group made up of people from the forum right? i don't mind either way personally, but we should call it what it is... whatever it is..

yahoo is fine, i have AIM, Yahoo AND ICQ, so i'm all set, i do however think we should use Roger Wilco voice chat for when we play, believe me, in my last clan it worked wonders... it instantly make you work much better as team.

Oh yeah..
Aim: Blatantvulgarity
Yahoo: sub-minute
ICQ: 25419200
Thats a good point.
I hadn't kind of forgotten about that.
What does everyone else think?

Do we want to keep it to AT forum users?

My only concern is that we wont end up with enough people joining to keep the clan alive.
But maybe we should start by recruiting only on AT and see how many people we can get.

03-22-2003, 07:04 PM
I too agree with the roger wilco idea, someone with a higher bandwidth can host a wilco server and play with out any lag problems as it takes very little bandwidth per user for it.