View Full Version : Dota 2 Update - September 9th 2015

09-10-2015, 08:20 AM
- Fixed the fight recap button sometimes causing the client to crash.
- Fixed bug calculating ping to regions, causing some regions to have very inaccurate pings and others to show up as not available.
- Fixed a bug on older CPUs where you would crash if you opened the heroes tab while in-game and then disconnected from the game.
- Fixed a bug where the profile would sometimes show the stats from the previously loaded profile rather than the current one.
- Fixed the fight recap panel not appearing when spectating.
- Fixed the dota_camera_disable_yaw console variable.
- The fogui developer command has been enabled.
- Custom Games: BaseNPC:EmitSound() now respects the fog of war.

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/18340/)