View Full Version : Now Available on Steam - Assault Android Cactus, 20% off!

09-23-2015, 08:15 PM
Assault Android Cactus (http://store.steampowered.com/app/250110/) is Now Available on Steam and is 20% off!*

Assault Android Cactus is an intense arcade style twin stick shooter - pick from one of nine unique synthetic heroines and blast your way through overwhelming robots hordes to save the ship from its own workforce. Supports single player and local co-op game modes.

*Offer ends September 30 at 10AM Pacific Time
http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/250110/capsule_467x181.jpg (http://store.steampowered.com/app/250110/)

More... (http://store.steampowered.com/news/18507/)